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Build nodes

Any system can be used as a build node to create additional software installations that should be added to the EESSI CernVM-FS repository.


OS and software:

  • GNU/Linux (any distribution) as operating system;
  • a recent version of Singularity (>= 3.6 is recommended);
    • check with singularity --version
  • screen or tmux is highly recommended;

Admin privileges are not required, as long as Singularity is installed.


  • 8 or more cores is recommended (though not strictly required);
  • at least 50GB of free space on a local filesystem (like /tmp);
  • at least 16GB of memory (2GB/core or higher recommended);

Instructions to install Singularity and screen (click to show commands):

CentOS 8 (x86_64 or aarch64 or ppc64le)
sudo dnf install -y
sudo dnf update -y
sudo dnf install -y screen singularity

Setting up the container


It is highly recommended to start a screen or tmux session first!

A container image is provided that includes everything that is required to set up a writable overlay on top of the EESSI CernVM-FS repository.

First, pick a location on a local filesystem for the temporary directory:


  • Do not use a shared filesystem like NFS, Lustre or GPFS.
  • There should be at least 50GB of free disk space in this local filesystem (more is better).
  • There should be no automatic cleanup of old files via a cron job on this local filesystem.
  • Try to make sure the directory is unique (not used by anything else).

NB. If you are going to install on a separate drive (due to lack of space on /), then you need to set some variables to point to that location. You will also need to bind mount it in the singularity command. Let's say that you drive is mounted in /srt. Then you change the relevant commands below to this:

mkdir -p $EESSI_TMPDIR
mkdir /srt/tmp
export SINGULARITY_BIND="$EESSI_TMPDIR/var-run-cvmfs:/var/run/cvmfs,$EESSI_TMPDIR/var-lib-cvmfs:/var/lib/cvmfs,/srt/tmp:/tmp"
singularity shell -B /srt --fusemount "$EESSI_READONLY" --fusemount "$EESSI_WRITABLE_OVERLAY" docker://

We will assume that /tmp/$USER/EESSI meets these requirements:

mkdir -p $EESSI_TMPDIR

Create some subdirectories in this temporary directory:

mkdir -p $EESSI_TMPDIR/{home,overlay-upper,overlay-work}
mkdir -p $EESSI_TMPDIR/{var-lib-cvmfs,var-run-cvmfs}

Configure Singularity cache directory, bind mounts, and (fake) home directory:

export SINGULARITY_BIND="$EESSI_TMPDIR/var-run-cvmfs:/var/run/cvmfs,$EESSI_TMPDIR/var-lib-cvmfs:/var/lib/cvmfs"

Define values to pass to --fusemount` insingularity`` command:

export EESSI_READONLY="container:cvmfs2 /cvmfs_ro/"
export EESSI_WRITABLE_OVERLAY="container:fuse-overlayfs -o lowerdir=/cvmfs_ro/ -o upperdir=$EESSI_TMPDIR/overlay-upper -o workdir=$EESSI_TMPDIR/overlay-work /cvmfs/"

Start the container (which includes Debian 11, CernVM-FS and fuse-overlayfs):

singularity shell --fusemount "$EESSI_READONLY" --fusemount "$EESSI_WRITABLE_OVERLAY" docker://

Once the container image has been downloaded and converted to a Singularity image (SIF format), you should get a prompt like this:

CernVM-FS: loading Fuse module... done


and the EESSI CernVM-FS repository should be mounted:

Singularity> ls /cvmfs/
host_injections  README.eessi  versions

Setting up the environment

Set up the environment by starting a Gentoo Prefix session using the startprefix command.

Make sure you use the correct version of the EESSI repository!

export EESSI_VERSION='2023.06' 
/cvmfs/${EESSI_VERSION}/compat/linux/$(uname -m)/startprefix

Installing software

Clone the software-layer repository:

git clone

Run the software installation script in software-layer:

cd software-layer

This script will figure out the CPU microarchitecture of the host automatically (like x86_64/intel/haswell).

To build generic software installations (like x86_64/generic), use the --generic option:

./ --generic

Once all missing software has been installed, you should see a message like this:

No missing modules!

Creating tarball to ingest

Before tearing down the build node, you should create tarball to ingest into the EESSI CernVM-FS repository.

To create a tarball of all installations, assuming your build host is x86_64/intel/haswell:

export EESSI_VERSION='2023.06'
cd /cvmfs/${EESSI_VERSION}/software/linux
tar cvfz ${eessi_tar_gz} x86_64/intel/haswell

To create a tarball for specific installations, make sure you pick up both the software installation directories and the corresponding module files:


tar cvfz ${eessi_tar_gz} x86_64/intel/haswell/software/OpenFOAM modules/all//OpenFOAM

This tarball should be uploaded to the Stratum 0 server for ingestion. If needed, you can ask for help in the EESSI #software-layer Slack channel