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EESSI RISC-V development repository (

This repository contains development versions of an EESSI RISC-V software stack. Note that versions may be added, modified, or deleted at any time.

Accessing the RISC-V repository

See Getting access; by making the EESSI CVMFS domain available, you will automatically have access to as well.


This repository currently offers one version (20240402), and this contains both a compatibility layer and a software layer. Furthermore, initialization scripts are in place to set up the repository:

$ source /cvmfs/
Found EESSI repo @ /cvmfs/!
archdetect says riscv64/generic
Using riscv64/generic as software subdirectory.
Found Lmod configuration file at /cvmfs/
Found Lmod SitePackage.lua file at /cvmfs/
Using /cvmfs/ as the directory to be added to MODULEPATH.
Initializing Lmod...
Prepending /cvmfs/ to $MODULEPATH...
Environment set up to use EESSI (20240402), have fun!
{EESSI 20240402} $

You can even source the initialization script of the production repository now, and it will automatically set up the RISC-V repository for you:

$ source /cvmfs/ 
RISC-V architecture detected, but there is no RISC-V support yet in the production repository.
Automatically switching to version 20240402 of the RISC-V development repository /cvmfs/
For more details about this repository, see

Found EESSI repo @ /cvmfs/!
archdetect says riscv64/generic
Using riscv64/generic as software subdirectory.
Found Lmod configuration file at /cvmfs/
Found Lmod SitePackage.lua file at /cvmfs/
Using /cvmfs/ as the directory to be added to MODULEPATH.
Using /cvmfs/ as the site extension directory to be added to MODULEPATH.
Initializing Lmod...
Prepending /cvmfs/ to $MODULEPATH...
Prepending site path /cvmfs/ to $MODULEPATH...
Environment set up to use EESSI (20240402), have fun!
{EESSI 20240402} $ 

Note that we currently only provide generic builds, hence riscv64/generic is being used for all RISC-V CPUs.

The amount of software is constantly increasing. Besides having the foss/2023b toolchain available, applications like dlb, GROMACS, OSU Micro-Benchmarks, and R are already available as well. Use module avail to get a full and up-to-date listing of available software.

Infrastructure status

The status of the CernVM-FS infrastructure for this repository is shown at